Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset Stomach, Diarrhea and MS

Once again, my wife had to run to the restroom with an upset stomach. Today we went to the movies to enjoy some time with our Children's home kiddos. We ordered the usual popcorn and drink and sat down to enjoy the movie. Half way through the movie my wife's stomach started to cramp and hurt. It became serious enough that she had to run to the bathroom before the end of the movie. She found herself in the bathroom vomiting and frustrated once again.

She has had stomach issues as long as I have known her, but it isn't consistent. Sometimes she will go weeks or months without issues then it hits out of nowhere. When she does have issues, it can be as simple as stomach pain or as serious as becoming ill after every meal. Many times she will even have to run to the restroom during the meal. It seems to start with an upset stomach and then will continue to be uncomfortable until she expels what's in her stomach. This is very frustrating for her and can really hamper any activities we have planned.

We have tried a few things to help with this, but we have still not figured out what triggers the reaction. We do know that over the last few years she has become more sensitive to dairy products and that when she is having issues, there are certain foods that she needs to stay away from. We have also used a combination of Mastic Gum and L-Glutamine to help ease the stomach. I know that we will eventually figure out what is causing this issue, but until then we will be aware of it and know that it is a temporary issue.


tbnboys said...

I feel for your wife. I also have these problems and I have MS. My doctor has me on Promethazine 4 times a day as needed.(controls the vomiting)I am on Meclizine for dizziness. He also has me on Zantac150 for the heartburn. These medicines do not work 100% but they do allow me to lead some form of a "normal" life.
I hope this helps. Take care. Keep fighting the good fight.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH! I have finally found someone who has the same symptoms as me!! I feel for your wife and know exactly what she goes through. I am so glad I found your blog and prayers for both of you!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I may have left you a comment already but Im just getting used to this blogging thing lol

I totally know how your wife feels, I was having these symptoms even before I was diagnosed and now that I am, it kind of puts it into perspective...I am praying for you both!

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone,
my wife will go days without any of the symptoms and then wham! Many times the nausea and cramping is unpredictable. Her tests came back negative. I am keeping a journal of occurrences. Hopefully we can find a cure for this nausea and cramping.

Anonymous said...

Hello. I am so thrilled to come across your blog. God bless You all. I was diagnosed with MS 16 months ago. For about the past several months, I have been experiencing the same symptoms. Unexplainable stomach pain. It will last for one day or a week. I never no how long it will last. Whether I eat or not it, when its happening, my stomach cramps and bloats. Nothing seems to help. May God bless all of us that are suffering from this horrible disease. Best of luck to your wife and you that I'm sure suffers for her.

dragonfly1106 said...

Does anyone out there not only have "digestive" problems, but pain in the upper portion of the stomach, in the middle, right under the rib cage. It is like a severe cramp/pain that lasts a short while and then goes away? I have been having this problem for about a week, and am very uncomfortable. I was diagnosed with MS 11 years agol

Anonymous said...

dragonfly -
I have a ms as well and have had the pain were you were speaking off. I believe what you're experiencing is the ms hug. you can take gabapentin or some other neuropathy treatment along with pain pills for that pain. none of those options work for me, so I now use a tens unit. h t h :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I thought it was just me. I was starting to think it was not the MS. I was diagnosed in 2009 but have had stomach issue's my whole life. Wow, I am glad I ran across these comments. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I was diagnosed with ms 11 years ago in the last 6 months i have been experiencing the same issues if i eat a little at a time and no greens meat or bread im fine. mostly fruit is good good luck to all i know how painful and annoying it can be.

Anonymous said...

I haven't had exactly the same symtpoms, but I have noticed in the last several weeks that I just don't enjoy eating as much, don't look forward to meals and eat less to avoid that overly full feeling. I used to eat what I want, but lately food just doesn't appeal to me, and when I eat I don't feel like eating much. Could this also be related to my MS?

Anonymous said...

I was diagnosed with MS in 2004 with major stomach issues (inflamed) where I could not walk. But it is the cramping that I know is causing the issue and now I am certain it is MS related.I was taken out in the ambulance twice and once with a BP of 175/125 because the stomach pain was so bad. What happens is my stomach cramps and so does my esophagus which causes gas bubbles to be caught (theory) in my chest area. The pain happens every 10 seconds and only now do I know how to handle it. I always keep a soda nearby to help me burp the gas bubble caught in the esophagus. It get so bad if I don't I will fall over in pain and throw up. What happens is that when these gas bubbles and cramps start I can swallow food and end up throwing up and doubling over with pain. Now I drink small sips of Coke or Ginger ale and it stops almost immediately although the cramping continues. I use Flexerall-on call, Prilosec (2 day) and Zantac 1 a day during these episodes. I am having an episode now that started 2 days ago and now my leg behind the knee is cramping and I am getting jabbing pains across my chest and stomach. I do not treat the MS and so far I have been lucky.

Faith said...

Hi my name is Faith and i have been dx. with MS since 1999. I have also had stomach problems on and off throughout my life. I have been in a speel since Thanksgiving. I was wondering also if others go through this. In my head it make sence that we would it's neuological. Our bowels and bladders are affected and the MS hug and swalllow. So why not all these other issues? My symptoms are, my stomah feels like hamb. I burp and belch and crams and swallowing issues acid so bad. I am a very good eater. It doesnt seem to matter sometimes what i est, or when I eat or how much. I am on prilosec again 2 times a day. I gave up caffine and all dairy. I eat only organic and no processed or preservitives and no sweets. I don't get it. But I guess its all MS. I am in tuned with my body. There seems to be no connection except MS. So I feel for you all and were not alone. Im thinking an Upper and lower IG just to make sure. I try not to take to many drugs, but I take what I need to to help with quaility of life. Thanks for sharing. I am greatful. God bless and lets pray for one another. Keep up the good fight of faith. Hugs

Unknown said...

Wow, thanks for bringing me here Google. I was diagnosed in 2009. My bowel patterns have always been bad but have been getting increasingly worse. I'll go two days without going then once I do I'll go 4 or 5 times that day and then repeat that pattern. Not sure what foods make it worse, but my diet is pretty consistent. Also for a few years I've been having indigestion type problems. I'll eat a bit of meat and it feels like it gets stuck at the top of my stomach. Feels like I need to burp really bad but nothing really helps. I was eating steak and lobster the other night and had to go throw up like three different times. It really sucks but makes me feel better knowing that I'm not the only one with these weird seemingly unrelated symptoms.


Anonymous said...

MS only came onto my physicians' (yes, I meant that to be plural) radar a few months ago, but I've wondered for some time. Since having the flare that landed me in the hospital to be screened for MS, things have changed rapidly. Migraines are much more difficult to control, my balance is off (I hate stairs), fatigue is an issue, and as of lately I cannot keep food down. My neuro told me to allow myself about two months to recover from my flare, which is about how long it's been. Im just not used to diminished functioning. Does everyone in the MS world have to look at step to effectively walk down it? I feel so goofy. My major concern lately though has been that I cannot eat. I've had digestive issues for some time, but the last several weeks have resulted in drastic weight loss. At night I am up sick. I've had to given up sodas because they are too bubbly for my stomach; this is bad for my migraines (as caffeine = good). My beverages and meals are selected based on replacing electrolytes and what will not be too gross coming back up. I'm not really telling people about having this, so I'm trying to reconcile having the issues I have and being "normal." And if the sun exacerbates MS symptoms, how to you manage? I was outside a great deal this weekend and have been "down" all week: vomiting, fatigued, and quite literally running into things. What do your doctors say about stomach issues related to MS?

Unknown said...

Anonymous, I'm sorry to hear about your struggles. My wife has struggled with everything you have described, and continues to struggle off and on with the stomach issues, and balance issues. At one point she was a very good gymnast, and now she struggles to walk a straight line. She has made some changes to make sure she doesn't fall down stairs and she slows down when she walks to make sure she doesn't get ahead of her feet. The stomach thing is tricky because we haven't been able to figure out what causes these issues for my wife. I do know that she can stop them with eating healthier foods in less quantities. For my wife, this has been a 20+ year journey of learning and making changes so that she can have a good quality of life. Please let us know if you have any specific questions, and keep searching for what works for you. My wife could've given up years ago, but she has continued to fight and find things that work.

May Enos said...

Wow, Scary how much of what you have all been saying seems to relate to the way I have been feeling. I'm g etting very Familiar with another Type of Autoimmune Disease, Lupus, Which the doctors have diagnosed me with and taken away the diagnosis... It is a hard road, im a young Adult just trying to find answers for all my Symptoms. Positive and Speckled ANA. Thyroid tests were irregular, showed low Thyroid function but then it was normal again. weird. Doctors think im making it all up and the only thing wrong with me is the all the Sometimes Debilitating joint pain from Hypermobility joint Syndrome... I'll keep fighting until I get answers and then continue to fight until the end :)

Anonymous said...

Im really glad I found this post, ive been going through the process of finding out whats going on with me, I woke up a month ago dragging my left foot like a dead weight,with the feeling of pins and needles,it was so heavy and felt odd to shave.the numbness went up my left side and I could feel tingling on my eyelid and the side of my head..I was lucky enough to get into a neurologist within weeks, he recommended five days of solumidrol iv treatment. After the treatment was done I've been experiencing jolts, and horrible stomach issues, I can't stop throwing up..yogurt seems to stay down so far.I've also been very gassy and can't stop burping. I just had my MRIs done today so im hoping they have answers for me when I see the neurologist.In the meantime this blog has calmed me down just knowing that other people who have been diagnosed with ms are experiencing this, and are still going strong. Im 24 years old and am about to branch off into developmental service working (working with ppl who have disabilities) I already have my dsw certification im just hoping whatever is going on with me wont get in the way of me perusing my dreams to help others...this has totally taken me from left field as im sure it has with a lot of people going through this. Hopefully I can turn this experience into something positive despite the way my body is feeling atm..the stress of it all surely plays a key, im just sick of lack of sleep from my stomach at night..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my Gosh...I am so glad I found this blog. First of all I would like to say I feel for your wife. I was diagnosed in 91 with MS. For about 9 months I have been going through stomach problems....bloating, pain, constipation, nausea, lack of appetite,only being able to eat small amounts of food,Colon inflammation and cramps and recently weight loss. I found that eliminating gluten from my diet has really helped with the bloating. I no longer eat red meat or pork,no processed foods, no coffee, soda...bubbles make me bloat. I recently had a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvic tumors or masses. Today I had an EGD or Endoscope and they did a biopsy of my stomach to check for bacteria, but the EGD came back normal. Will find out in a week about the biopsy. I use Carafate twice a day and prilosec once a day, but I am reading that some of you take it twice a day. I use a heating pad when resting for the stomach pain and it seems to help. I have to avoid all seasonings except salt and pepper. Garlic is a KILLER for me. I just never thought that this could be related to MS! Then I stumbled upon this blog....I would rather it be something treatable. I don't even enjoy eating any more and my tolerable food list is getting shorter and shorter. Will be seeing my Neuro on the 23rd and will speak to her about it. This is just one of the MS related problems I have, like most of you...fatigue, balance, pain in legs and TN, weakness in left leg, after relapsing in July. I now use a cane. When I relapsed my leg was just dragging around, so improvement there. It just never occurred to me that the stomach and colon problems could be MS related. I will be praying for all of you as I know how you feel. God Bless us all!

adrian said...

I get this. I think it's IBS. I get it when I eat wheat. I went to Pizza Express and had a large pizza and chocolate fudge cake. My stomach was really bad today. I take ginger when it is like this. I should avoid the things that cause the problem but sometimes I can't. I think that it makes my symptoms worse aswell, so I am going to make a massive effort to cut out wheat

Unknown said...

Hi Anonymous, thanks for the comment. I know the stomach issues frustrate my wife, and she has been very fortunate lately that she hasn't had those issues. Please keep us updated because I know I'm curious to see if they find anything.

Unknown said...

Hi Adrian, thanks for the comment. My wife was diagnosed with IBS when she had a full on attack ten years ago. She did what she needed to and was able to heal her gut, and now we know that her gut can affect so much more about how her body works, and especially her MS. Eating right is so important for great health whether you have MS or not.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I was diagnosed with MS in 2007 only after 8 years of many doctors, and even more tests than I can count. I have experienced all the above but the actual throwing up, I feel like I have to and have the nausea really bad at times. It can be very difficult to deal with these types of issues, sometimes I just feel like not going out and that my family should just go without me because 9 times out of 10 I will get sick as soon as I eat or sometimes while Im eating. It makes it hard for my family to enjoy themselves. I know my husband gets irritated with it but he does not say and my children really dont understand. I guess hard for anyone to understand unless you have gone through it yourself. I feel for all of you and know that your not alone. I have been working with the Nero but not really much can help, you just have to deal with it and make the best of it!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!
I have never blogged before, so I hope it works.
I started getting symptoms this January, 2013.
Ended up in hospital with optic neuritis in February.
My MRI showed 3 leisions - still haven't gotten any answers from my Neuro...than it's highly most likely MS.
About 2 months ago I began having stomach and nausea problems. I vomit and can hardly eat anything.
I only weigh 94lbs now...and shrinking.
I'm happy to have found this blog, and I can hear that others - unfortunately - are also suffering.
But makes me very sad to read so many haven't found relief. I feel like I'm going to scared!!!
It's enough to struggle this insidious disease (alone) as it is. Has anyone tried Dr. John McDougalls diet?
I want to change my diet , but if nothing stays down or can't eat due to the nausea...then how's that possible??!
Anyone with any tips would be appreciated.
Thank you!
-looking for a cure -

Unknown said...

Hi Anonymous, sorry to hear about your struggles. No, we haven't tried McDougall's diet. I have read some of his material but we never used it. My wife was on Dr. Swank's diet for years and she also used the Breaking the Vicious Cycle diet for a few years. Diet is definitely a huge part of my wife's treatment and we know that it makes a huge difference in how she feels. Let me know what other questions you may have and thank you for your comment.

Unknown said...

I am in the process of being diagnosed. It is very frightening I know how you fell. I very scared every day I fell like I am going to die. Just started with the nausea and abdominal pain and terrible headaches. Constantly feel dizzy and living in a haze. See the neurologist next week. Hoping for some andwers

Anonymous said...

Reply to post from Anonymous November 2012...You indicated you have had issues with food getting stuck, and vomiting to get it unstuck- along with a lot of mucous. I have experienced this since 2006, with no Dr.
able to tell me why it is happening. Spent almost all of 2013 going through gastro workups, biopsy, etc, with no dx from doctor. Am now being evaluated for MS ( how many years later???) and after reading these posts, feel that I may be moving in right direction for an explanation. Blood work and MRI's should be helpful by end of week.

Unknown said...

So, so glad I found you all! I was diagnosed w/MS 4yrs ago and have many of the mystery symptoms that people have shared on these blog posts. And I know for me the unexplained stuff can be very stressful to live with to the point I wake at night paranoid I've got some form of stomach cancer or what not. The latest for me (past 2 months or so) have been the stomach issues. Mainly at night, but not exclusively, I get a VERY bloated stomach and a burning pain that seems to move all around from just below the rib cage all the way down to just above the groin. Very uncomfortable and definitely wakes me up at night. I've found that in the early morning hrs it's worse and suspect a full bladder may be pressing on bloated stomach or intestines making the discomfort worse? Also I almost have to force myself to eat breakfast and lunch(I just don't feel like eating at all, but the I'm practically starving by dinner time.
I'm wondering if part of our problem may be related to yeast over growth in the gut? I know my diet is something that needs a lot of work and that is my most difficult task - getting myself out of what I call my vicious MS circle. On my feet most of the day, exhausted when I get home, not wanting to cook or clean up afterwards, and folding to the fatigue by eating fast easy to clean up premade frozen meals and what not.
I'm moving to Denver in a month and already have an appointment set up with DR. Bowling there and am very excited to hopefully have him give me a big kick in the butt about my diet to get me on the right track. For me, being single and not geographically near any family has been a huge obstacle in defeating my MS. It's really neat to see how involved you are in your wife's struggles, Cory!

Unknown said...

I have MS I am a late bloomer with MS although I have had it since my 20's at 53 I just got dg. as for the issues with your wife's stomach, I know all those symptoms intimately for many years. I had my gallbladder removed in 2007 ant that was the culprit. That being said the pain, vomiting, bowel issues and digestive discomfort was due to the stones blocking the opening from my gallbladder to the stomach, once I got sick they would move and the pain would go away.
All my tests were normal before the removal, once it was removed and the Dr. looked at it he found 3 large stones. I can now eat anything I want without much issue.

I had to stay away from all fat, could not eat red meat, drink any milk products, or eat fast food. while I had gallbladder issues.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that I found this blog! For four weeks now I have been suffering from nausea, vomiting, constipation, severe diarrhea and really bad pains on my left side that radiate to my back and middle. I have lost a lot of weight because I cannot keep the food down. I have had two CT's of the abdominal and pelvis, EGD, colonoscopy, and blood work all to come back negative. I have been so depressed because I feel like the doctors think I'm a hypochondriac. I feel so much better to know I'm not crazy or a hypochondriac!

Unknown said...

Yes that is exactly what I have been suffering from for last few months. The pain goes from middle of ribs up through my boobs then into neck and jaw. Truly agonizing and lasts for hours at a time, I feel full all the time and can only eat tiny amounts(ive lost three stone in as many months) seeing gp tomorrow just to get reassurance that is not anything more sinister as ms society etc dont mention these problems anywhere

Unknown said...

The pain for me is identical to gall stone pain, but they took gall bladder out three years I know its not that