Saturday, June 7, 2014

Big Things To Come For My Wife Has MS Blog

Well, my wife and I have been talking a lot about our goals and our future.  We are currently building a new Brick and Mortar business but have been building an Online Passive Income for the past few years.  With our Passive Income growing we are excited about a new phase for our My Wife Has MS blog.  Over the years I've told our story and wrote when I could, but I haven't been able to focus on sharing as much as I would like.  So, we are in the beginning phases of something we are both very excited about!

In the near future we will be able to share more about our struggles, joys and life with MS, and my wife will take a bigger role in our new endeavors.  For awhile she wanted to share more about how she feels and what's going through her mind and heart while fighting MS.  With her writing more and sharing more, we feel like you will be able to get a more balanced view of what our lives are like and how we go about treating her MS.  One of our main goals will be to continue to offer a real view of what life is like with MS, and provide Hope for those that are struggling.

So make sure and check back often because we will be announcing new additions to our Blog and will be giving everything a fresh look and feel.  For now, I just want to say THANK YOU to all of you that have followed our Journey and commented on our Blog.  We have laughed with you and cried with you as you've sent us emails and shared your journeys.  Our hope is that our new efforts will help, encourage and provide information for anyone looking for information on MS, and continue to provide a raw look at the ups and downs of Multiple Sclerosis.

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